Anthem MRX/AVM 8K 升級登記
P&O Hi-Fi Company Limited 現提供 Anthem 原裝行貨 8K 付費硬件升級服務,敬請預先登記,以便作出安排。
指定升級型號:AVM 70、MRX 1140、MRX 740
(*MRX 540 的 8K 升級將於稍後提供,正式日期有待廠方通知,請留意 P&O Hi-Fi 網站及 Facebook 專頁的最新消息。)
Anthem 8K 付費硬件升級服務收費:
連上門收機和送貨服務 (需送貨車可到達門口,偏遠地區除外):HK$5,000
• 不送離島、(馬灣、珀麗灣、愉景灣、東涌除外)
• 如送貨地址貨車未能直達,請於路口/村口交收
• 上落樓梯需另收費,每層 $30,到貨時付 (可於地下交收)
• 星期日及公眾假期不設送貨服務;因暴雨警告及 8 號或以上颱風訊號,當天已約定送貨服務即時取消,於日後另外通知再作安排。
• 速遞送貨方面,商戶會確認訂單後 1-4 個工作天發貨
• 所有送貨項目不可指定收貨日期和時段
• 顧客請於購買時輸入正確的個人資料和地址以便安排運送
P&O Hi-Fi 客戶服務熱線: 2861 2833
P&O Hi-Fi Company Limited provides 8K Hardware Upgrade Paid Service for Anthem MRX/AVM models soon. Please fill in the Registration form for us to arrange.
8K Upgrade Support Models: AVM 70, MRX 1140, MRX 740
(*MRX 540 upgrade service will be provided later under the factory’s notice. Please visit and follow P&O Hi-Fi official website and Facebook page for the announcement.)
Anthem 8K Hardware Upgrade Paid Service Pricing:
Self Drop-off and Pick-up: HK$4,500
Pick-up and Delivery services*: HK$5,000
On-site Upgrade service* (excluding cable detaching and connecting): HK$6,000
(* If the address is at islands and remote regions, on-site services are not applicable.)
P&O Hi-Fi Customer Service Hotline: 2861 2833